NASA's Langley Research Center announces a $20,000 UAV Safeguard (SAND) competition.
NASA's Langley Research Center announces a $20,000 UAV Safeguard (SAND) competition. A challenge to small US.businesses: build a better autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

NASA's Langley Research Center announces a $20,000 UAV Safeguard (SAND) competition.
A challenge to small US.businesses: build a better autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
More information about this competition here:
Most drones are powered by lithium batteries. For each of these lithium batteries there are requirements in the transport regulations, e.g. they must be manufactured according to a Quality Management Program described in the regulations and they must have passed the UN 38.3 test.
What exactly this QM Program has to look like, we have put together for you under this link:
What is tested in this UN Test Series 38.3 can be found here:
Does your UAV not have a UN 38.3 test yet?
Without a confirmation of this UN 38.3 test lithium cells and lithium batteries may only be transported following stricter requirements as so called prototypes. This is also possible for small series of max. 100 lithium cells / lithium batteries.
For this an exemption from the appropriate national authority is needed every time. We have developed checklists for this transport variety also, even though the appropriate national authority will determine the requirements for transport and especially for packaging for each individual case.
For shipping drones and their lithium-ion-batteries Lithium-Battery-Service offers you all information and transport documents for preparing the transport in our checklist article.
Click here for the checklist finder:
By using our UN38.3 Test Summary and Supplier Inquiry Form you get all information you need to have about the lithium battery contained in the drone from the manufacturer or supplier.
Since 01.01.2020 a UN 38.3 Test Summary needs to be provided by the manufacturer and any subsequent supplier on request. We have included all required details of the UN 38.3 Test Summary in our UN38.3 Test Summary and Supplier Inquiry Form.
You can download the form for free under this link:
Should you have any questions concerning the safe and regulation compliant shipping of drones, please feel free to contact us under:
And our learning opportunities about the shipping of lithium cells and lithium batteries you can find here: