Lithium Battery Service Newsletter No. 6-2018 - Online Seminars and Airline Variations
Lithium Battery Service Newsletter No. 6-2018 - Online Seminars and Airline Variations

Lithium Battery Service Newsletter No. 6-2018 - Online Seminars and Airline Variations
Dear Customers of the Lithium Battery Service Portal,
Online Seminars
We would like to inform you about our next Online Seminars and it would be great to meet you in our Online Seminar Room:
All our learning opportunities are listed here:
New Product data sheet for all Apple Products ready for download
Under this link you can find the new product data sheet with all logistic information:
Variation LATAM Cargo Brasil M3 - max. 70 kg UN 3090 and UN 3019 per cargo aircraft
LATAM Cargo Brasil only transports max. 70 kg of UN 3090 and UN 3091 per cargo aircraft.
LATAM Cargo Brasil offers e.g. flight connections to Brazil VCP Viracopos.
New freighter route to Khartoum in Sudan with Egypt Air
Egypt Air has published via OAL inforwarding that they started another freighter connection. And Egypt Air transports all varieties of lithium cells and lithium batteries meaning UN 3090 and UN 3480 even with approval according to A88 and A99 on those routes.
Airline Variations Checklist
We updated the airline variations checklist in our portal accordingly and we will update the variations module on the website today still.
You can find the most recent variations checklist
+ after login under „My checklists“ or
+ after login under „Downloads"
Newsletter Versions - Blog
Are you looking for older newsletters? We include all newsletters and many other interesting topics concerning the transport of lithium cells and lithium batteries in our blog under this link:
Facebook and Twitter - Interesting bits all around lithium cells and batteries
For all total lithium battery fans we post on Facebook and Twitter many small news items all around lithium cells and batteries like e.g. dates of conferences, renewable energies, eMobility, which are not always linked to regulations or transport.
On Facebook you can find us under Lithium-Battery-Service:
On Twitter you can find us under Li_Bat_Service_
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please don´t hesitate to contact us.
Your Lithium Battery Service Team
Juergen Werny & Eva Glimsche