International EV Batteries 2020: Cost-Effective Engineering for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 11-12 November 2020 | Live online conference
International EV Batteries 2020: Cost-Effective Engineering for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 11-12 November 2020 | Live online conference At the International EV Batteries 2020, experts will exchange views on topics such as battery design, testing, thermal management and safety with a focus on making the entire life cycle of the lithium battery as efficient as possible.

International EV Batteries 2020:
Cost-Effective Engineering for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
11-12 November 2020 | Live online conference
At the International EV Batteries 2020, experts will exchange views on topics such as battery design, testing, thermal management and safety with a focus on making the entire life cycle of the lithium battery as efficient as possible.
Here you find the program and the speakers:
If you and your company also develop, manufacture, install or distribute lithium batteries for EV´s, you are aware of the challenges involved in shipping lithiumcells and -batteries needed in vehicles.
With lithium-cells and lithium-batteries there are some things to consider before transport.
Every lithium cell and every lithium battery must be manufactured according to the quality management program described in the transport regulations, including prototypes.
What this quality management program includes, you can find here:
And the following technical requirements have to be fulfilled for large lithium ion batteries of the vehicle:
- Each lithium ion battery incorporates a safety venting device or is designed to preclude a violent rupture under normal safety conditions.
- Each lithium ion battery is equipped with an effective means of preventing external short circuits.
- Each lithium ion battery containing cells or series of cells connected in parallel must be equipped with effective means as necessary to prevent dangerous reverse current flow (e.g. diodes, fuses etc.).
Every lithium cell or lithium battery that is no longer a prototype or a small series of up to 100 pieced, must have been successfully passed the UN test series 38.3.
The UN test series 38.3 includes the following:
Incidentally not only the large lithium ion vehicle battery must meet the requirements of the dangerous goods transport regulations but also every other lithium button cell, lithium cell or lithium battery installed in the vehicle.
If you have to ship or dispose large or small lithium batteries, we offer checklists for your transport case according to ADR, IMDG-Code and ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR including source references.
So you can check, which regulations have to be observed, how you pack, label and document correctly.
You will receive all the necessary transport documents for your transport case (e.g. transport document according to ADR, IMO declaration, shipper's declaration).
You can find the respective checklist article in our portal under "Find a single checklist".
Since 01.01.2020 a UN 38.3 Test Summary needs to be provided by the manufacturer and any subsequent supplier on request. We have included all required details of the UN 38.3 Test Summary in our Supplier Inquiry Form.
Our supplier inquiry form helps you to get all necessary information for logistics. You´ll find it here:
And, of course, you can attend seminars, how to ship lithium-cells and lithium-batteries at Lithium Battery Service.
Our next Online seminar - New and changed regulations 2021 in the shipping of lithium-cells and lithium-batteries on all modes of transport: The online-seminar will take place on October, 30th, 2020 at 11.00 a.m. German Time UTC+1 in ENGLISH via WebEx.
At the moment we are working on “Knowledge on demand” for the different topics. Once we´ve completed it, we´ll inform you via newsletter and blog.
But we offer you Online-Seminar Recordings: