Air Transport: Lithium Battery Service list of state and operator variations
Variations checklist - Query on your own behalf: + Do you need the variations checklist? + Would you be willing to pay for it?
For many years we´ve provided you with our state and operator variations checklist. Yet the manpower involved no longer makes it possible to include this in the regular Lithium Battery Service portal license fee. Plus we made the experience that most of the time you sent us an email inquiring how to get a certain type of cell or battery from A to B. And this service we´ll of course still provide to you to check possible flight routes and inform you about forwarding agents that can assist you.
Now we have two questions for you:
+ Do you need the variations checklist itself?
+ Would you be willing to pay for it?
Looking forward to hear your responses. And of course should you have any questions, concerns or remarks, please don´t hesitate to contact us.