ADR Capitalization and/or lower case of the proper shipping name
In today's newsletter, we would like to clarify a persistent piece of ‘fake news’. We keep hearing that the ADR designation should be capitalized. This is wrong.

And here is the reference in the ADR:
It reads: The information required on a transport document shall be legible.
Although upper case is used in Chapter 3.1 and in Table A in Chapter 3.2 to indicate the elements which shall be part of the proper shipping name, and although upper and lower case are used in the Chapter to indicate the information required in the transport document ,except for the provisions in (k), the use of upper or of lower case for entering the information in the transport document is left optional.
your company, you can therefore choose whether to enter the proper
shipping name consistently in upper case letters in the system or in
upper and/or lower case letters. And if you have read carefully, you
will realize that this also applies to all other details in the
transport document.