ACAS Air Cargo Advance Screening
New mandatory data elements in AWBs and HAWBs for air transport to the USA
Cargolux has published via OAG inforwarding:
The ACAS Air Cargo Advance Screening Program is a joint initiative by the US Customs Border Protection (CBP) and Transport Security Administration (TSA).
The minimum 6 data elements required for ACAS apply to AWBs and to HAWBs:
- Shipper/Sender details (minimum: full name and full postal address)
- Consignee/Receiver details (minimum: full name and full postal address)
- Commodity description (avoid generic descriptions)
- Weight
- Number of pieces (smallest external packing unit)
- Shipment identification number (AWB number / HAWB number)
Cargolux requires our customers to send all shipment data, as the following IATA Cargo-IMP
standard electronic messages to the Cargolux eChamp system:
1) Complete and accurate FWB message (version 16 or later) for AWB.
2) Complete and accurate FHL message (version 4 or later) for HAWB.
The FWB and FHL messages must be received by Cargolux asap before goods handover
to Cargolux, for all shipments. Therefore the Cargolux customer must have an IT system that is able to send the FWB and FHL electronic messages to Cargolux.
Cargolux customers with no EDI capability, Cargolux can offer its CargoWEB. Please contact for more details.
Cargolux also informed that other countries will implementing air cargo screening in the future, e.g. UK in 2019, EU in 2022 and Canada.
For further information about the ACAS data requirements and ACAS screening, please