ICAO World Airport Map
ICAO World Airport Map The ICAO World Airport Map tool has the world‘s largest airport dataset, including ICAO‘s official DOC 7910 Location Indicator. Users can search by ICAO airport code, IATA code, airport name, state/city name and address. The airport map is updated every three months. You can explore the user-interactive web-based map for free for a period of time and discover all the features.

ICAO World Airport Map
The ICAO World Airport Map tool has the world‘s largest airport dataset, including ICAO‘s official DOC 7910 Location Indicator.
Users can search by ICAO airport code, IATA code, airport name, state/city name and address.
The airport map is updated every three months.
You can explore the user-interactive web-based map for free for a period of time and discover all the features.
When shipping lithium cells and lithium batteries, there are often problems finding an airline or a flight route.
This is because lithium cells and lithium batteries fall under dangerous goods class 9 and are subject to strict requirements of the dangerous goods transport regulations.
For all questions concerning lithium cells and lithium batteries, we at Lithium Battery Service are here to help you.
You want to know how to transport lithium cells or batteries to a certain place in the world?
We will help you.
Please contact us at:
If you need to ship lithium cells and lithium batteries or prepare them for shipment, we provide checklist articles for your shipping case.
For shipping preparation we offer checklist articles for each shipping variant of lithium cells and lithium batteries.
You can find them via CHECKLISTS FIND AND BUY:
For you as a shipper/freight forwarder, our complete checklist package AIR, ROAD or SEE is of interest:
With lithium-cells and lithium-batteries there are some things to consider before transport.
Every lithium cell and every lithium battery must be manufactured according to the quality management program described in the transport regulations, including prototypes.
What this quality management program includes, you can find here:
Since 01.01.2020 a UN 38.3 Test Summary needs to be provided by the manufacturer and any subsequent supplier on request. We have included all required details of the UN 38.3 Test Summary in our Supplier Inquiry Form.
Our supplier inquiry form helps you to get all necessary information for logistics. You´ll find it here:
Here you can find information about carrying lithium cells and lithium batteries in passenger baggage:
If you have any further questions about shipping lithium cells and lithium batteries, please feel free to contact us at: